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Millennials And Mental Health


You hear about them all of the time in news stories and research reports. The Millennial Generation is truly coming into its own, as they should. But how are these 20 and 30-somethings coping when it comes to depression, addiction and mental health? It’s an interesting question and one that The American Psychological Association is beginning to delve into.


According to a 2018 survey they conducted, millennials (and the Generation Z that’s behind them, for that matter) are more likely than older Americans to rate their mental health state as “fair” or “poor.” They also believe themselves to be at a higher stress level than other generations.


Many other research reports have concluded the same thing. This particular sect of Americans (roughly born between the years of 1982 and 2004) have experienced a lot more cynicism and mistrust when it comes to their surroundings. They were, after all, thrust into the job market in the middle of a major economic recession. They were also impressionable youths when catastrophes like 9/11 and the “War on Terror” began to take place. So, in essence, it is not surprising to hear that they are not as cheery as their parents or grandparents once were.


One positive note about millennials that came out of the study was the fact they are much more likely to seek out professional help than generations prior. This may have to do with the de-stigmatization of therapy and recovery practices when it comes to a serious problem. The interesting stat that the Association uncovered was that over one-third of millennials said they were receiving treatment or therapy from a mental health professional.


But the unfortunate problem today is that many within this age sect do not have sufficient health insurance and cannot afford proper treatment. TheFix.com covered this issue on their blog page and revealed that in a city like Philadelphia, for example, 22% of citizens aged 18-34 had no health insurance. And when you take insurance out of the mix, a therapy session can go for as much as $150 to $200 (quite expensive for a young person’s salary).


So it appears as though these people recognize the need for mental health support, but often lack the means to receive it. This happens to be a scenario we encounter frequently at our facility. But the good news is, there are always ways to work through the financial burdens. Above all, escaping the pain of mental anguish should be a person’s primary goal and we would be happy to talk anyone in need; searching for solutions that can work within a millennial budget.


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