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Coping With A Rageaholic


Often times, we write about people who are dealing with anger issues and the ways that they can find resolutions. But what if the “rageaholic,” isn’t you per se, but rather a spouse, friend or family member? Suffering on the sidelines is no easy task and there are certainly techniques to cope with that role as well. Psych Central, in fact, outlined some helpful tips for anyone who’s close to a person exhibiting extreme anger.


The first key point that they identified was Not To Get Sucked In To The Drama. Rageaholics often feed off of negative reactions to their behavior. If a loved one is trying to provoke you into a yelling match or crying spell, do your best to turn the other way. Matching their behavior with similar emotions will do neither of you any good and could cause greater damage to the relationship.


Another tip is for loved ones to Prepare Themselves for unexpected outbursts. If possible, try to rehearse scenarios in your head before you expect a fit of rage. If there is a sensitive subject, know how to respond in a calm and eloquent manner. The key here is to never be caught off guard. Calmer resolutions can help diffuse an angry situation.


If the rageholic is a spouse or significant other, Psych Central fully endorses the concept of Walking Away From The Relationship. This is especially poignant if the other half has resorted to some type of violence. “Certain relationships just aren’t worth struggling to keep,” article writer Tamara Hill explained. “Some people are born toxic and years of therapy may not reduce their toxicity. In cases such as this where verbal, physical, emotional, psychological, or sexual abuse is likely to occur, leave.”


Knowing Thyself is another key point singled out in the article. This leads into the concept of self-care and therapy. Yes the rageaholic needs to get help, but (truth be told) so do you. It can be a tremendous emotional strain to have a loved one with anger issues and if you’re not finding an outlet for yourself, there could be negative consequences. Take some time away, talk to a professional and work on yourself as well.


In total, Hill outlined 10 important points worth sharing. We definitely encourage our readers to click over to her article. And always know, that the Inneractions team is available for people with anger issues AND their loved ones.


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