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Acknowledging ‘Sober October’

We often keep our eye on interesting recovery events happening around the globe. And over in the United Kingdom, one movement has been gaining quite a bit of traction. Go Sober For October is now several years in across the pond and it has been doing a lot of good in the areas of health and wellness. In fact, it’s even gotten on the radar of several American outlets; including Forbes Magazine.

The concept doesn’t just touch people battling alcoholism (though, of course, that’s a major benefit). It also targets casual drinkers and challenges them to remove all booze from their diet for 31 days. After that period is over, participants are told to step on the scale, check their bank accounts and schedule a physical. Chances are, there will be some very visible improvements.

There is also a UK giving component, which goes to support cancer charities across England. The official “Go Sober” site has active leaderboards and encourages people to “Challenge a Friend” to become a top fundraiser. By the looks of things, this year’s initiative is off to a great start; with over 68,000 “Sober Heroes” a few days into the month.

Forbes published a nice article as well, emphasizing an alcohol-free October. In their piece, several benefits are laid out for those who choose to go sober. Key points that writer Frances Bridges brought up included Increased Energy, Improved Sleep, Weight Loss and Better Eating Habits. She also offered some practical reasons to push away beer and wine this month.

“The holidays are often a time people neglect their diet and exercise regimen, and using the month of October to help reset your body, and prepare it for the holidays is a smart way to mitigate some of the damage that inevitably takes place over the indulgent holiday season,” Bridges wrote. “It also helps clear your mind and reset your body before the winter months, when the “winter blues” have been known to set in.”

One other point that both Forbes and the “Go Sober” site bring up is the mental wherewithal that accompanies this type of commitment. As we mentioned before, getting a friend or family member to join the cause is incredibly inspiring. But, truth be told, there will be others who may choose to judge you or even tempt you as Happy Hours and Halloween parties begin taking shape. Both sites acknowledge that these are usually issues that lie with those people themselves and should not interfere with your progress.

So raise a glass of cold water and join us in Going Sober For October!