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Controlling Political Rage

With November being an election month, we figured now would be an opportune time to discuss the very real anger issues that emerge concerning politics. Whichever way you lean, there are bound to be measures (and figureheads) who upset you. Seeing how we are also approaching the holidays, there may be points of sensitivity around this topic that could easily erupt over a family dinner. So what is the best way to cope? You can try by following the some of the steps below…

The Tab.com did a nice job of breaking out coping mechanisms when it comes to political rage. Speaking with anger management expert Mike Fisher, the site outlines simple tricks to diffuse a tense situations (no matter which party you side with).

Tip #1: Look At The Big Picture

Though causes and ideologies are most certainly important, it is helpful to take a step back and ponder whether a political argument is really worth your time. Just like any rage coping skill, Fisher recommends taking deep breaths. Know that the person you are disagreeing with may be set in their ways and (as long as their stance isn’t hateful or violent), it may be best not to add fuel to the fire.

Tip #2: Let People Finish Their Thoughts

Arguments can quickly ensue when interruptions begin or a sense of “disrespect” emerges while someone is expressing their opinions. If the person speaking is saying something you disagree with, let them at least finish their statement before offering a counterpoint. By cutting them off or speaking over them, you may be setting yourself for an unnecessary fit of rage.

Tip #3: Agree To Disagree

Let’s face it; there are moments when you simply cannot change a person’s political views. Though you may feel you have all of the facts and are justified in your argument, it is important, at times, to just let things go. Coping mechanisms here can include simply shifting the conversation to a more neutral topic or walking away. “At the end of the day, all opinions are exactly that,” Fisher explains in the article. “They’re not facts or gospels, they’re human, subjective views.”

Though we know political discussions don’t always lend themselves to these easy resolutions, trying (whenever possible) to escape angry conversations is always the best bet. We have many more coping mechanisms when it comes to rage and political discourse and would be happy to share them before any explosive situations occur.