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Benefits of Going to an Outpatient Rehab in Woodland Hills

Inpatient or outpatient? Does the rehab specialize in my addiction? Stay close to home or do treatment elsewhere? If elsewhere, then where?!

With so many variables and questions, in addition to those, involved in finding the best rehab for you or a loved one, it can be tough to sift through everything and find answers. It’s understandable, nowadays there are just a ton of great resources and treatment centers out there doing amazing work in helping people overcome addiction. Making sure you find the right one is the challenge.

Outpatient rehab in Woodland Hills might just be the answer you’re looking for.

How Outpatient Rehab Is Different From Inpatient Rehab

Before jumping into the benefits of Woodland Hills in particular, and there’s more to it than the 280+ sunny days, let’s talk about the difference between outpatient and inpatient rehab.

Inpatient care, to put it plainly, is when a person lives at the rehab facility.

It’s the most intensive type of treatment program where you’ll be under 24-hour care with medical, psychiatric and mental support constantly available. As far as treatment options go, inpatient is the most disruptive to your daily life. You’ll have to leave your job, friends, family, etc., and remove yourself from anything and everything that could be a distraction and instead you’ll be focusing all your attention and 100% of your efforts towards mental and physical rehabilitation from substance abuse. 

Inpatient care is generally reserved for those with more severe and long-term addictions and is necessarily immersive. It can last from 28 days to a multi-month program with the length dependent on the nature of the addiction and the assessment of a treatment/addiction specialist.

On the flip side, you have outpatient care which has all the same treatment modalities that inpatient would, like; individual and group therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy and complementary/alternative therapy, etc. but you don’t live at the facility.

You’re able to carry on with your daily life; work, school, family errands and whatever else life entails while going to a rehab center for scheduled sessions. In other words, it’s far less intrusive.

It’s mainly meant for those with a milder addiction, who don’t need constant supervision and are at less risk for relapse.

As far as cost is concerned, outpatient treatment is a much more affordable option seeing as how you aren’t paying for weeks or months of living in a dedicated treatment center.

That said, if your addiction is severe, don’t try to save money by pushing for an outpatient option. Your life is worth more and what you save up front, you might end up paying later if you relapse.

Choose the right solution, not the cheapest one.

Who Would Benefit From Going to an Outpatient Rehab Woodland Hills

Woodland Hills, California in the San Fernando Valley and at the foothills of the Santa Monica Mountains is a tranquil respite from the hustle and bustle. Aside from the sun shining for the majority of the year, there are other reasons to consider rehab here.

Whether you live in Southern California or not, leaving your state or area for treatment brings a lot of positives.

For starters, you’re removing yourself from the distractions, people, influences and triggers that can easily cause you to slip back into using.

Also, there is built-in confidence with going somewhere where no one knows your name, the opposite of Cheers. Comfort in the privacy of not accidentally bumping into someone you know and being able to open up in ways you might not have been able to before.

Let Inneractions Help You Find Recovery

At Inneractions in Woodland Hills, we offer evidence-based intensive outpatient treatment. With over 30 years of experience helping people overcome addiction, we offer robust treatment with a flexible approach to scheduling and availability that works for you.

Get in touch with us and let us tell you more about gorgeous Woodland Hills and how we can help you get on the road to recovery.