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Exposing Female Rage

Clearly rage is an emotion that can affect anyone, regardless of gender. But when it comes to media, articles and representation to the public at large, men typically serve as the poster children of this anger-filled emotion. Well thankfully a few outlets are working to change that perception, speaking out to women and letting them know that this is an issue that impacts them too. The female-focused site Elle.com helped address this point, singling out an important new book and the groundbreaking HBO series, Sharp Objects.

Sharp Objects is certainly the most high-profile project to expose female rage. The dark drama touches upon troubled childhoods, difficult parent relationships and how many women choose to cope with their anger issues.

“Sharp Objects is a topography of female rage,” Elle writer EJ Dickson posted in her article. “It shows both where it can come from, and what paths it can take when it inevitably bursts through the dam.”

Granted Objects is an over-the-top crime drama, complete with murders, self-harm and explosive moments. Real life female rage doesn’t get quite as graphic as that, but through its characters, viewers can see examples of broad coping mechanisms. Star Amy Adams plays a woman named Camille, who can be described as an “imploder.” Her way of dealing with rage and anger includes self-destruction; be it alcohol, promiscuous sex or cutting herself.

Other players in the series, such as Camille’s mother and sister, manifest their rage in more obvious ways; choosing to harm others (examples of the “exploder” model). Truth be told, the entire series is quite an interesting rage character study and one that the Elle piece does a fine job of  breaking down.

One other “female rage” noisemaker mentioned in the article is author Soraya Chemaly. Her upcoming book chronicles the topic wholeheartedly and should (hopefully) get a lot of people talking. It is entitled Rage Becomes Her: The Power of Women’s Anger and it hits Amazon this week.

“Anger is like water,” Chemaly told Elle. “No matter how hard a person tries to dam, divert, or deny it, it will find a way, usually along the path of least resistance.”

Chemaly’s advice is for women to acknowledge all of the challenges and upsetting issues that may have to face throughout their personal and professional lives. In her opinion, rage is an important emotion. But it is one that should be addressed and discussed. We certainly agree with all of these sentiments and continue to have an open door for any and all women who are experiencing feelings of extreme anger and having a hard time expressing them.