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Coping With The Stress Of Corporate America

For millions of people across the country, work life consists of putting in long hours at a corporate office. Though, on the surface, sitting in a cubicle doesn’t seem as stressful as manual labor, there are plenty of stressors that accompany this culture. In fact, Psychology Today is reporting that “corporate anxiety” is on the rise. As such, that site and others have helped list out coping mechanisms to improve 9 to 5 mental health.

First the alarming stats. Did you know that one out of every nine corporate employees suffers from an anxiety disorder? This not only impacts their lives and well being, it can create problems for others in the workplace. Symptoms called out by Psychology Today include irritability, excessive fatigue and a lack of productivity. The sad truth is, issues like these can actually lead to a person losing their job (hence creating even more mental health challenges, such as depression).

Psychology Today writer Joni Johnston Psy.D. outlined key triggers that can contribute to office anxiety.

“Long hours, demanding supervisors, high workloads and lack of clear direction are some of the biggest culprits, especially when they occur together,” Johnston wrote. “In particular, jobs with high demands and low control. A lack of rewards, such as money, esteem and career opportunities, can increase stress and, hence, the risk for psychiatric ill health.”

So what can be done to help ease this problems? Interestingly enough,  Inc.com offered some helpful solutions that have shown success among office workers. Listing out about half a dozen remedies, the business site focused on natural techniques.

On the top of their list was getting enough sleep. Even if you have to put in long hours, try to go to bed at a decent time once you return home. It may be easy to want to blow off stress binge watching your favorite shows late into the night, but by depriving yourself of at least eight hours of rest, you may be creating a vicious anxiety cycle.

Exercise and meditation were also called out by Inc. Simple activities like stair climbs can work as an outlet during a difficult day. Their writer pointed to the fact a mere 10 minutes of aerobic movement can stimulate anti-anxiety effects.

In regards to meditation, that can be as simple as stepping outside of the building and sitting with your eyes closed for a matter of seconds. The key is deep breathing and a focus away from the corporate stressors.

Of course if it feels like the issues are tougher to handle, then we highly recommend reaching out to a trained professional for ongoing coping mechanisms.

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